“Leading Sales Team Transitions to The Real Brokerage: A Game-Changing Move in Real Estate Industry”

In an exciting development in the real estate brokerage world, the esteemed sales team led by Jade Mills, a quite reputable name in the Beverly Hills real estate sector, has decided to jump ship from their previous affiliation and join The Real Brokerage Inc. The Real Brokerage Inc., simply known as Real, is a technology-driven real estate brokerage that empowers real estate professionals to conduct transactions with ease.
Real’s model has been described as one that caters to the modern real estate professional’s needs, designed to transform real estate agents into shareholder agents. This approach is meant to empower agents with increased equity, allowing them to partake in the company’s growth. This model, combined with their revolutionary technology platform, has notably piqued the interest of many industry professionals worldwide.
At the helm of this significant move is Mills’ team. Jade Mills is a globally recognized force in the real estate industry, particularly notable for her work in the luxury home market of Beverly Hills. With over 40 years of experience in the sector, Mills has maintained a prominent position in real estate sales. Her illustrious career is highlighted by the selling of almost $6 billion worth of property, whereby she has established an unprecedented reputation within the industry.
The shift to Real signifies a formative move in embracing technological advancements within the real estate industry. Highlighting the reasons behind her decision, Mills affirmatively expressed her excitement about joining a firm that is forward-thinking and committed to leveraging technology to enhance their service offering. She believes in Real’s philosophy of empowering agents to become stakeholders, fostering a sense of ownership that significantly motivates agents to work more passionately and provide superior services to clients.
Mills also appreciates other amenities that Real offers its agents, such as having no desk fees and providing a highly competitive commission structure. Additionally, by offering agents the option of becoming shareholders, Real is encouraging an environment where success is collectively shared and celebrated. This is in line with their mission to shift the industry norm of brokerage-focused profits to a more agent-oriented model that promotes individual growth and prosperity.
Beyond Real’s impressive technology and business model, Mills was equally as excited about the first-rate leadership at Real. She particularly noted the inspirational presence of co-founders Tamir Poleg and Gal Weiss, both tech and real estate veterans with years of experience in developing efficient, technology-oriented solutions.
Poleg, the CEO, and Weiss, a board member, have been instrumental in shaping Real into a forward-thinking, innovative company that’s disrupting the real estate industry norms. With Poleg’s tech entrepreneurship background and Weiss’s extensive real estate knowledge, they’ve made a remarkable team, leading Real to make waves in the otherwise traditional real estate sector.
The Real team has proudly welcomed Jade Mills and her sales team, expressing immense gratitude and excitement regarding this union. The whole Real fraternity is thrilled about the wealth of industry knowledge, experience, and sales prowess that this power-packed team brings. The organization believes that this addition would significantly sharpen their competitive edge and allow them to unlock unprecedented growth avenues.
Mills and her team’s shift is considered a paradigmatic change and echoes Real’s belief in a tech-driven, agent-empowered future for the real estate industry. This amalgamation of traditional real estate wisdom with tech-driven functionalities is anticipated to redefine norms and set new benchmarks for the industry.
The modern-day real estate market thrives on technological advancements, and the union of Mills’ team with Real’s tech-enabled platform is expected to enhance efficiency and productivity dramatically. From advanced CRM functionalities, smart lead generation capabilities, virtual office environments to powerful marketing tools, Real’s tech-facilitated offerings are vast. The resultant synergy of this collaboration is expected to bring forth unparalleled service quality to customers.
This move on part of Jade Mills and her team is not just an individual shift – it signals the trend of successful, seasoned agents migrating to technologically advanced platforms. A new era of real estate brokerage is on the horizon, where the industry’s seasoned experts feel confident in embracing tech-centered companies. This strategic shift by Mills’ team is a profound endorsement of such technologically progressive platforms like Real.
Through this shift, Jade Mills – a global icon acknowledged by the Wall Street Journal as a top-ranking real estate agent in the United States – is reinforcing the idea that the acceptance and incorporation of technology are not only inevitable but also desirable. She is placing her trust and invaluable industry experience into the hands of technology, betting on its potential to revolutionize the real estate industry norm and redefine the agent-client relationship.
In conclusion, the joining of Jade Mills and her sales team with The Real Brokerage is a significant milestone for the real estate industry. It represents a shift towards a technologically advanced, agent-centric future, where industry professionals are inspired and motivated to provide excellent client service. This move reinforces the belief that the real estate sector is evolving, with technology playing a pivotal role in this transformation. With such significant changes underway, it’s exciting to envision what the future holds for the real estate sector.